The Back Yard - June 1974

Dad and I are sitting on a large, L-shaped fiberglass bench we got from a bowling alley auction (same bowling alley we got the "cocktails" sign in the patio from) - the distinctive triangular "AMF" logo is on the end. It was so heavy and cumbersome that it was almost a permanent fixture in the back yard. (We bought it in 1973 and only got rid of it in 1986, when Mom sold the house. It took me hours to dismantle.) It is shown here as it originally was: faded pink and white. We later painted it the same pastel blue and green we used on the chemical drum trash can.
That cinder block wall is of a type that is common in Southern California. I remember seeing it in the home improvement stores: "Elegance in Stone."
The light and shadows show up the chimney finger and toe holds well in this shot. You can see how I got the idea.
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