The Kitchen - 1966

Here I am in the kitchen, a ten year old, apparently preparing myself a strawberry shortcake. (Most likely, however, I am neglecting the strawberries and whipped topping and simply making a snack out of the cake.) The whipped topping was my favorite part - it came from a can. At the nearby Spector's grocery store I used to pop the top off the can and squirt the stuff into my mouth when nobody was looking - then return the can to the shelf. Once Mr. Spector himself caught me, and demanded I pay the 49 cents for the can. (I remember wondering, "Oh, man, where am I going to get 49 cents?!?") I did, somehow, and discontinued the loathsome practice.
Anyway, the kitchen. Note that the appliances are white, the cabinets are painted beige, the tile is tan with brown accents and the lower woodwork is, of course, antiqued avocado - another improvement by my dad. We also had gorpy white and gold lamps hanging from the ceiling. I used to continually bump my head on these; when I grew a little taller I got very good at walking through the area with my head bobbing left, right and down. My problem was solved with the 1976 kitchen remodeling, when we installed fluorescent lighting that was flush with the ceiling tiles. (It was ugly but safe.)
That green Batman sweatshirt was practically my uniform during my tenth year, as I recall.