I get e-mails from my readers, which is gratifying! I'm happy to see I've struck a responsive chord with you out there.
I like to post them on a page, which is cleaned out and archived each year. It's a lot to read through, so to keep you from missing out on any great Sixties or Seventies stuff, I've arranged a topical guide of my responses to readers of this site. (My responses are always in italics - the original letter is in normal type.)
Other non-email stuff is posted here as well.
Various childhood memories 1. Various childhood memories 2. Various childhood memories 3, Various childhood memories 4.
The vacuum cleaner of my childhood
Jimmy Rutherford's E-mails
Childhood greeting cards
My Thurl Ravenscroft musical fifth birthday Rec-Card, on light blue vinyl!
Silverlake Memories
Our first color TV, a Sears, in 1965
The Hammer
In 1966 General Foods introduced Bugles, Daisys and Whistles. I liked Bugles best because they reminded me of Irwin Allen's Time Tunnel, which was a TV show current at the time. Bugles are still with us, the other two are not.
Analysis of an aerial view of the neighborhood where I grew up (scroll down some).
When Did the Seventies Begin? (And the Sixties.)
The 1971 Sylmar Earthquake.
"Pneumonia Alley."
Burbank Restaurants.
Dinner with the Clarks, 1957 (My first birthday).
Dad and Me in the Back Yard, 1959.
A Walk on Robinson Street, 1959.
Me in 1966.
Our Econolite lamp. (Another style I'm sure we had.)
The Eleganza Catalog for Men.
Mom's arm as a seat belt.
Fritos at Disneyland!
The T&A Hobby Lobby - and my rejected gift.
The Burbank Golden Mall (from my Burbankia page)
The Dip
Covered wagon lamp
The Great Adventure
My 1970's audio equipment
1970's Corduroys
The Bell Telephone Picturephone. (See also the links page.)
Fornasetti Sun Coasters.
The Westclox "Clock of Tomorrow".
Pillsbury Funny Face drinks - From 1964.
Topanga Plaza
Ventura Blvd.
Halloween Costumes from the Sixties and Seventies
Pulver gum machine - There was one of these in a store called "Soo-Hoo's", where we kids would swarm to buy candy after school (Micheltorena elementary school in L.A.) The one I recall had a clown that moved somehow when the penny was inserted. It fascinated me.
"To the Trains"
Helms bakeries (Also on the links page)
The layout of my neighborhood
Site voyerism, Griffith Park, Kitty's flip, Green Acres, Bike mishaps and our first VCR
Me and the Southern California Beach Culture
The Kodak Instamatic (Used to take the pictures on this site.)
Those annoying toy "clackers"
The Panasonic tricorder.
The Roller Derby, the Los Angeles Thunderbirds and Dick Lane
The IHOP Pancake Man
Debbie Reynolds, Miss Burbank - (An account is here.)
Burbank's "Old Trapper's Lodge" and the "Hotel for Men"
"Old Spanish Dogs" or, the War Lords of Burbank (See also here.)
The Volkswagen Karmann-Ghia
Resin grapes
John Karlen (an overlooked actor) and Dark Shadows goofs
The TV show "Family Affair"
Eight-track car stereos
The monsters craze of the early Sixties (Also, monster models.)
"Lost in Space" and the loathsome Billy Mumy
"Paddy Clarke Ha ha ha"
A groovy 70's bachelor pad
Booth Tarkington's "Penrod"
My encounter with the Lincoln Street counterculturalist
My Mom discovers "Avocado Memories"
The big console stereo
Velvet roadrunner paintings
Gas station promotional givaways
The candle as decor
Christmas card mailings
My tastes in music
Avocado: Not just a color but a way of thinking
A gag involving a Porsche and some green paint
Should an archaeological dig ever occur in my backyard