Essays About Places

A Walk Down Robinson Street, 1959
Hollywood Boulevard was Our Backyard!
The Death of Ferro Lad at the Corner Drug Store
Standard Brands: Paint Central in Burbank
The Second Battle of Cahuenga Pass and the War Lords of Burbank
The Farm House - the Real and the Fake
Bums, Tumbleweeds and the Empire Avenue Overpass
The Burbank-Hannibal Connection
My 1968 East Coast Trip - Massachusetts and New Hampshire
My 1968 East Coast Trip - New York City
My 1968 East Coast Trip - Washington, D.C.
Drug Abuse and Hotsy Alley
Sav-On: Focal Point for the Occult in Burbank.
Verdugo Hills Stories
KBHS - Radio Free Burbank
El Miradero
Walking Home from School
The Lincoln Cafe (the family business)
"The Cruise"
The Carroll County Accident on the Tallahatchie Bridge the Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia