High School Athletics Ninety Years Ago
The following is an excerpt
from page 54 of the June 1916 Ceralbus, as reprinted in the December
2005 Senior Bulldogs Newsletter. “B.U.H.S.” is Burbank Union High
B.U.H.S. has not as yet fallen into the hands
of her enemies in athletics. When we consider that the past year took with it
our star sprinter, most of our Basketball Team and a number of Baseball and
Football Players, matters are different than before, and must be delt with
accordingly. With the passing years every school has its "ups and
downs," and with this fact on their minds each athlete did his part with a
determined will, achieving high success against odds.
American football is a new sport at B.U.H.S.,
being adopted only last year. At the time of its adoption there was only one
student in the whole school who know the game to any great extent. It was
necessary therefore, to give each player private instructions: to point out the
good and bad of the game, and go through the drilling numerous times in order
that each player could gain as much as possible in a very short time. This hard
training with that which we gained at the opening of school, September 17,
1915, was not without results, as will be noticed. Our first game was with the
Baraca class of the Presbyterian Church, of Glendale, on our grounds, October
8, 1915. The teams were unevenly balanced, advantage being in our opponent's
favor. This advantage however did them little good for our men were much faster
and had they been more experienced, a defeat would not have resulted. As it
was, we were defeated by the score of 9-0. The second game was with our old
enemy, the San Fernando squadron on our grounds, October 22, 1915. The final
score when the game ended, 8 to 0, in our favor.
We were unsuccessful in our Basketball this
year. Practically every game played resulted in our defeat and finally the team
Track, B.U.H.S. gave a better account of herself this year than was expected.
New material has been developed during the past year which certainly has opened
the eyes of our opponents, as they were convinced after a number of meets that
been held. The credit for this high unexpected success in track was due to the
fine training given them by Mr. Hampton, the coach and surely is worth of
first meet entered, namely, the Triangle Meet, was held at San Fernando. The
schools entered were Van Nuys, Burbank; and San Fernando. Those placing for
Burbank in this meet are as follows; Raymond Kahl, second in the 880 yard dash;
Donald Barager, second in the 440 yard dash and Charles Pomeroy, first in the
220 yard dash and second in the 100 yard dash. Although but few took part in
this meet from B.U.H.S. We gave an account of ourselves in each event. Not
every school can boast of this credit.
second meet was also held at San Fernando. Five schools were entered, including
B.U.H.S., which was represented by Mr. Raymond Kahl and Mr. Charles Pomeroy.
These men entered mostly for experience but were quite successful in that Mr.
Pomeroy captured first place in the 100 yard dash, and Mr. Kahl third in the
880 yard dash.
third meet was with Glendale on their track. Although Glendale has a much larger
school than Burbank she was compelled to "get a move on" in this meet
and ran off with honors by a few points only.
fourth and last meet of the season, the Bay Section Meet, was held in Compton.
B.U.H.S. of course, was heard from in this meet too, but as has been said, her
track team is limited. Yet those that did take part made a good showing. Mr.
Kahl ran off with third place in the 880 yard dash and Mr. Pomeroy second in
the 220 yard dash and third in the 100 yard dash. The other men from Burbank
that took part were not so successful, but are determined, and will be heard
from next year.
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