Bits of History (1985)

Bits of History:

(1) During the July 1911 meetings the first Board of Trustees took office: Tom Story, C.J. Forbes, M. Pupka, J. Shelton, and Halberg. R.O. Church was Treasurer, J.A. Swall was City Clerk, C.E. Salesbury was City Attorney. It was decided that a canteloupe was to be the first official City seal. In August 1911 the following officials were elected by the Board of Trustees: Edward Lynch, City Engineer; T.E. Ogier Pound Master; and Charles Pomeroy, Superintendent of Streets. The pay set for officials was (per month) City Clerk $25, City Attorney $50, Marshal $15 and $2.50 for the street superintendent "when he works."

(2) At the January 6, 1912 meeting the City Clerk presented a communication from the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors stating the total valuation of the City of Burbank was $358,325.00. (The City's valuation as of August 1985 was $3,994,907,471.00.)

W.C. Grisso was given the contract to trim trees and "it was ordered that owners to have option to take the wood and pay for the work or to give wood for trimming and to have privilege of trimming trees themselves, a uniform height of 20 ft. from the ground be observed in doing such work" (sic).

(3) On January 27, 1912 J.W. Fawkes appeared before the board and filed a petition requesting that a special election be called for the purpose of voting on the question of dis-incorporatlng the City of Burbank. The City Attorney was directed to furnish the board with a written opinion as to its sufficiency.

On February 10, 1912 Attorney Salesbury stated that he had found that there was not enough qualified voters on the petition to call an election and therefore advised the board not to do so. (sic) The board turned down the petition and adjourned for five ninutes to get order.

(4) On March 9, 1912 a motion was made to let Justice of Peace hold court in the City Hall and charge one dollar ($1.00) for each time for doing same. In April 1912 a municipal election was held and the old Board of Trustees met to canvass the returns of the city election, announce the same and reorganize the Board. Messrs. Pupka, Halberg and Shelton "step out" and J.E. Kendall, C.H. Kline, and W.A. Lovering "step in." Chas. J. Forbes was chosen Chairman and City Attorney Salisbury retired. Frank E. Craig was elected City Clerk and Ralph Church, City Treasurer.

On May 4, 1912 a action was passed instructing the City Attorney to draft an ordinance that the speed limits in the City of Burbank be 20 miles an hour and that all gasoline vehicles carry a red and white light at night.

(5) October 5, 1912 ordinance No. 40 was adopted establishing a Public Pound, inposing an annual tax on dogs in the City, and providing for the impounding of stray anlaals and defining the duties of the Pound master.

On October 12. 1912 a motion was made that "Trustee see to putting in a watering trough at Olson's Blacksmith Shop."

On October 26, 1912 ordinance No. 48 was passed creating the office of City Electrician for installing, connecting, electrical wires, equipment or apparatus in the City of Burbank.

(6) On November 16, 1912 an ordinance presented forbidding the driving or riding of any horse or other animal or the riding, driving of propelling of any wagon.

(7) In January of 1913 an ordinance was adopted "prohibiting obscene, indecent or lewd plays or representation" in the City of Burbank.

(8) On February 10, 1913 a resolution of the City Trustees on the Death of W.A. Lovering. "Whereas Walter A. Lovering a most honorable and respected business man and citizen who was duly elected and has for many months been an active and efficient member of the Board of Trustees of the City of Burbank has been called by a higher power to cease his labors in this life and whereas in the death of Mr. Lovering the City of Burbank loses a most public spirited and valued citizen and this Board of Trustees a member who was faithfully and conscientiously devoted to the advancement of the best interests of Burbank in his work as City Trustee. Justice to all was his rule of action and he was careful in his judgment at all times as a man and fellow works in public affairs he will be sadly missed. Therefore be it Resolved that the passing of our late City Trustee Walter A Lovering is deeply deplored by other members of this Board and their sympathy is extended the sorrowing family and relatives and be it further resolved that a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family of deceased and also published in the Burbank Review."

(9) In the March 1, 1913 minutes is the motion "that the street supt. notify J.W. Fawks to put the street back in as good shape as it was before he plowed it up." On March 8, 1913 "T.S. Webster tendered his resignation as street supt."

(10) On March 31, 1913 the returns were canvassed for the special election on the propositions of issuing bonds for the construction of a water works and electric light works. The vote was 304 in favor of water works bonds and 113 against; 302 in favor of electric light works and 114 against.

(11) June 6, 1913 an ordinance was passed providing the penalty for dog running at large with out muzzle, (sic)

(12) July 7, 1913 it was moved that a resolution of thanks be tendered the first National bank and the Farmers and Merchants bank in taking over the electric light bonds to the amount of $10000. and there by making it posible for the City to Commence the work of insalling our Electric plant and especialy to ROChurch of the first Nat. bank for his afficiant work in bringing the same to a final issue," (sic)

(13) On August 11, 1913 "Tere being no dissadisfaction the following Resolution (sic) was adopted." Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Burbank, acting as a Board of Equalization, adopting and ratifying the assessment role as prepared by the City Assessor of the City of Burbank-for the purpose of levying and collecting City taxes of the City of Burbank.

(14)September 6, 1913 an ordinance was read "treating the office of Manager of the Electric light works and prescribing the duties theroff. (sic) The Street Superentendant be autherized and empowered to enter into a contract with Mrs. Avery for grounds for a dumping plce for the City of Burbank for a period of one to five years. Moved by Paxtonsecomde by Hams that the Street Commissioner be autherzed and empowared to purchace A one horse wwagon for the Cities use." (sic)

(15) September 13, 1913 ordinance 67 was read establishing the rate to be charged for electricity - a minimum of $1.00 (i.e. the first 75 kilowatt hours - 8 cents) As of 1984 the basic customer service charge was $3.16 month.

(16) On October 4, 1913 ordinance 68 was adopted regulating the numbering of houses fronting on public street in the City. Also, it was moved that the street Super. be sent as a delegate from the City to the Municipal league in the City of Venice for four days, the city to bare the expence. (sic)

(17)October 18, 1913 a petition wa presented by the Chairman of the Street Committee requesting the commissioners to improve the highway ro Olive Ave from the City limits of the City of burbank to and connecting with Chuengapass between Hollawood & Lankershimm and placed on file, (sic)

(18) On October 11, 1913 "moved by Paxton seconded by Craig that the Chairman Mr. Kline be granted a vacation from the board of trustees for two weeks."

(19) On Nov. 29, 1913 "the City Clerk authorized and directed to have some permits blanks printed granting the privelage to dig up the streets and allies." (sic)

(20) On Dec 6, 1913 "the office of Manager of the Electric light plant of the City and Manager of the water plant be merged into one office and the salary for said Manager is fixed at $65. per month."(this salary to be added to at the rate of $1. per month for every new 10 users connected after the first 100 and $1. per month for every 10 water users after taking over by the City.)

(21) Jan. 17, 1914 "resolves that the City of Burbank take over the Brand Water system (or the Miradero Water Co) dating from Jan. 1, 1914.

(22) Jan 31, 1914 - The resignation of Mrs. C.E. Paxton as a member of the censorship committee and appointment of Mrs. Mary E.C. Groshong to fill the vacancy.

(23) Feb. 14, 1914 - Proposed Ord. 71 providing for the collection of the City Taxes of the City of Burbank Under the Statutes of 1891, at page 22, read for the first time.(Read for the second time 2-20-14 and adopted)

(24) Feb 21, 1914 - The majority of the property owners in the assessment district (Second St.) referred to in resolution 70 are opposed to the erection of ornamental street lights - petitions filed and proceeding stopped.

(25) Feb 28, 1914 - The committee appointed to look into the matter of the selection of trees to be donated to the Grammar School Grounds, be authorized to purchase same.

(26) March 7,1914 - Moved that the Supt. of Streets be authorized to re-build the bridge on South Verdugo Ave.

(27) March 21, 1914 - Resolution 73, March 5, 1914 election returns canvassed, 17 votes were cast, 6 in favor of proposition to annex new territory and 11 votes against. Resolution 72, March 5, 1914 election returns canvassed, 82 votes were cast, 78 in favor of proposition annexing the new territory and 4 against.

(28)March 28, 1914 - Resol. 76 adopted calling the General Election for the year 1914, etc., also, providing for submission of the Proposition: "Shall the City of Burbank avail itself of certain statutes providing for planting, etc. of shade trees upon streets, etc. within Municipalities, and for eradication of certain weeds within City limits?" (4-13-14 General Election proposition approved by voters)

(29) April 11, 1914 - Trustee Paxton be appointed a committee of one to get someone, who is competent, to audit the books of the City. (Note: In these years all bills presented to the City were first reviewed and approved ty the Auditing Committee, then presented to the Board of Trustees at their weekly meetings. The Board would then authorize warrants to be drawn.)

(30) May 2, 1914 - City Attorney authorized to prepare an ordinance changing the time of Meeting of the Board of Trustees, from 7:30 p.m. Saturday, to 1:00 p.m. Monday.

(31) May 26, 1914 - Mr. J.K. Avery requested the Boards permission "to burn the dry grass and weeds from certain lots in the vicinty of 6th and Providencia, his request was granted with the stipulation that he see to the fire not endangering the adjoining property and remain with the same until extinquished."

(32) May 26, 1914 - The committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to prepare a Special case to contain silver trophy awarded the City at the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, and that in as much as the trophy belongs to the people of the City of Burbank and not to any one individual body or organization, that the trophy should be placed on exhibition in City Hall.

(33) June 2, 1914 - Execute a lease with George Luttge for certain property for dumping purposes, for the term of one year at the rate of five dollars for the year.

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