Everyone knows about Sunset Canyon and Wildwood Canyon, but can you name the other canyons in Burbank?
- Sunset - Where Sunset Canyon Dr. is.
- Wildwood - Where Wildwood Canyon Park is located.
- Brace - Where Brace Canyon Rd. leads.
- Cabrini - More or less where Trudi Ln. is.
- Craig - At the end of Groton Dr.
- Dark - This is where Barham Blvd. leads to Hollywood.
- Deer - To the right of Sunset Canyon Rd. (as you go up) across from the water tanks.
- Fisher - Next to Cabrini, behind Villa Cabrini Academy.
- Jeffries - At the end of Hollywood Way.
- McClure - To the right of Brace Canyon.
- Sennet - Not really in Burbank. Across from Warner Bros.
- Story - Starts more or less at the end of E. Tujunga Ave.
- Elmwood - As you might expect, it starts at the end of E. Elmwood Ave.
- Stough - Where Stough Park is.
These canyons are all located on this topographical map.