A Rare Visit Up the Tower of the Burbank City Hall

Here it is, the Burbank City Hall, in an interesting period photo that looks like it was shot using a pinhole camera. Ground breaking for the building was on February 17, 1941, and it was designed by architects William Allen and W. George Lutzi - funded by the Federal Works Agency, Works Project Administration (WPA). It was completed in 1943 at a total cost of $409,000.

Look! It's on the National Register of Historic Places!

Something I have observed at Gettysburg: The neat thing about being on memorial and other committees is that you get your name put on the memorials along with the people you're memorializing. But that eagle makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it?

Here's our objective - the tower. It looms above us like Mt. Everest.
Okay, not quite like Mt. Everest.

That vigilant Art Moderne eagle looks like he can take care of himself.
Note that he's looking in the opposite direction from the bird on the plaque - just to make sure that both parts of the street are being watched.

Up the stairs. This area is obviously utilitarian and not dressed up for public use.

Kind of reminds me of when my mother and I climbed up the Statue of Liberty on a hot August day, when I was twelve. I took a shot looking down the staircase very much like this.

Well! Here's something the Burbank Chamber of Commerce would just as soon not have you see. Makes cubicle life look attractive in comparison.

Here we are on the balcony. Looks like somebody left a can of patching tar up here - I wonder if there was a roof leak.

Long may she wave! Looks like some fresh paint may be in order, however.

Let's take a look around. Some construction is going on; not surprising in the always-on-the-go Media Center of Southern California.

Another view - more construction.

If you suffer from vertigo you might not want to look down.

Another view, looking towards the Verdugo Mountains. Is that Independence Hall on the far left? Nawww... it's Bellarmine-Jefferson, the Catholic High School.

Here's where the Burbank Police and Fire services are headquartered. Ample parking.

Here's a bird's eye view of the fountain in front. Looks a little greenish. Perhaps adding some chlorine is in order.

Back on the ground, here's Ron Reznick's artful photo of one of the fountain fishies, which he calls "Spittin' Image."

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