Inside the Empire China Company
Photos from the 1920s (possibly 1928)

Bookeeping: W.A. Jackson 1922 and Opal Green bookeeper. 3rd person unnamed.

Clay press.

Carrying ware into broque kiln for the first burning.

Casting department.

Finishing department.

Factory jigger.

Factory jigger image with the woman restored!

Mixing clay.

Pug mill.

Glass kilns with saggers.

Glassware room.

Glaze mills.

Making saggers.

Making ware on jiggers.

Packing items for shipment.

Preparing clay for casting.

Preparing clay for saggers.

Putting handles on cups.

Selecting firsts, seconds and thirds.

We had this photo up before. Note date; it could be the date of the other photos.