A Woman's Place... Is Supporting Our Men at War!

by Susie Hodgson

From the “NOTHING COUNTS BUT VICTORY” series of leaflets, published in 1942


A NATION AT WAR challenges not only the vigor, acumen and ability of its men, but equally the intelligence, adaptability and versatility of its women. Women must step into men’s tasks at the assembly line, in the office and on the farm. In spite of all these tasks, women must “keep the home fires burning” in a world that needs constant adjustment -- and nowhere are adjustments more necessary than in the kitchen.

We will all learn to drink South American tea when stocks of oriental tea disappear. You may like it even better. We may need to do without many spices but we can grow herbs in OUR OWN GARDENS and dry and store for use. When the garden is planned, be sure it is a high-vitamin one, even if that means planting many new and unfamiliar vegetables and fruits. If it is possible, a poultry yard will add to the family’s larder and relieve much strain on the budget.


Wartime Appetizers – As budgets become more limited and menus simpler, attractive appetizers can be very attractive morale builders by lifting a simple meal out of the doldrums. Examples include stuffed celery trunks, liver and carrot on toast (canapes) and “sailboats” (made from dill pickles, salami and cream cheese).

Soup & Chowders – The popularity of soups and chowders is never so fully justified as during periods of strain. They are easily made; they need a minimum of attention; their cost is low; they come hot and nutritious from the kettle and they can be stored and reheated at any unusual hour. Try such soups as Pot Likker (made with salt pork and turnip greens), Thrifty Soup (made with bones of fowl ideally from your own yard, leftover gravy, chopped vegetables from your Victory Garden and poultry scraps), black soybean soup and liver soup.

Meats – Meats are the protein army! The larger cuts are going to the armed forces; smoked meats are being shipped; the smaller cuts and the more perishable parts make up a large proportion of the meats left for civilians. Perishable part -- kidneys, liver, sweetbreads, heart and tripe -- are rich in vitamins and are economical enough for all budgets.

Poultry – In wartime, poultry will play an even more important role in feeding the nation. Greatly increased production is scheduled for the future, so plentiful supplies are assured for the home front. Since poultry does not ship long distances as well as meat, the woman behind the man behind the gun will do well to serve poultry frequently. Every bit of every chicken must be used to advantage.

Fish – Supplies of fish are expected to be as large as ever, except perhaps for imported canned fish. Patriotic homemakers will make a point of serving fish frequently to save shipping space and conserve other foods for the use of our armed forces. Fish roll, oyster loaf, fish rice loaf and fish patties are good choices.

Cheese – Cheese enlivens the menu! American manufacturers are now reproducing most types of cheese formerly made in Europe. Cottage cheese is an excellent means of using sour milk. Golden Glow Casserole (made with a mush of corn meal and water topped with cheese) and cheese frankfurters (made with 12 frankfurters and ½ pound of American cheese) delight the palate.

Eggs – Eggs are such a valuable source of food elements that authorities recommend as liberal use in the diet as budget and price will allow. Eggs Stuffed with Chicken Livers, Baked Eggs in Onions and Top-Of-The-Range Souffle make well-rounded meals at any hour.

Vegetables – With the health of the worker becoming a matter of vital concern, vegetables assume their rightful place as front-line performers in the fight to keep every worker at his machine. The homemaker must see that she serves yellow or green vegetables and tomatoes or oranges at least once a day. To retain vital vitamins and minerals, cook as short a time as possible in very little water. Save any cooking water for soups or sauces or for serving as an appetizer with tomato juice.

And commit these to memory and deed:

Do not hoard; it only aggravates our shortages and troubles.
Eat it up. Wear it out. Make it do. Do without.
Pay your income tax early, cheerfully! Help build a bomber.
Work, not wishes, will win the war.
A slip of the tongue may mean a torpedoed ship.
Think twice before writing and thrice before speaking.
Don’t worry – worry never built anything. Work!
Brave hearts at home make brave soldiers in the field.
Let’s prove that we are fit for freedom!
We have an axis to grind.
Give your share today lest you lose all tomorrow.
Don’t repeat rumors. Don’t talk yourself out of victory.
“For the duration,” make your plans red-white-and-blueprints!

Remember, nothing counts but victory.

The Burbank Historical Society/Gordon R. Howard Museum
Located in George Izay Park, right next to the Creative Arts Center
Phone: (818) 841-6333
Web site: www.burbankhistoricalsoc.org
Email: ghowardmuseum@sbcglobal.net

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