It isn't very often that I provide something of a real service to reenactors, but this article represents one of those rare occasions. I thought it was so interesting, unique and well-written I simply had to post it on JonahWorld!, otherwise an oasis of frivolity and uselessness. - Jonah
B-1 Those Critters Away!
by Thomas R. Fasulo
Entomologist and Civil War Reenactor
(or is it
Civil War Reenactor and then Entomologist?)
There has been a lot of concern expressed by reenactors about ticks, chiggers,
mosquitoes and other flies, ants and other 6- and 8-legged creatures that we
often come in contact with while in the field for a reenacting event. Some of
the concern goes beyond just suffering stings and bits. Some of the
aforementioned critters are possible vectors of diseases, some of which can be
fatal. So let's ask
Mr. Science (me) how
to protect yourself against the bits and stings of various arthropods.
There are plenty of repellant aerosols, pastes, dusts and such. The most
common active ingredient in these is N,N-diethyl-meta-tolumide (DEET). This
material was developed by the U.S. Medical Corps, and even they don't know why
it works. However, recent research by an entomologist in the USDA labs here in
Gainesville, FL shows that there might (emphasis on the might) be some
connection between DEET and Gulf War Syndrome. The research showed that it
takes more then just DEET (if DEET is even involved) to bring on the symptoms.
However, this received a lot of play in the media. As a result, people are now
leery of this proven repellent, and application instructions are more precise.
For one thing, you are now advised not to apply it directly to the skin. As an
ex-Boy Scout and ex-Marine who has often "bathed" in the stuff, I find this
funny. But, if you are a'feared of DEET what do you use?
The absolute best way to avoid stinging or biting arthropods is to never leave
your house. (However, if you are a sloppy housekeeper, this method isn't
guaranteed.) I don't seem to have any problems being bothered by insects and
other crawlies when I'm reenacting. I always thought this was due to
professional courtesy, since I am an entomologist. Recently, I realized that
all those annoying arthropods might be avoiding me for another reason.
Body odor. That's right... You need to smell bad to keep the insects away. Now
we all smell bad at the end, and even in the middle, of an event. The secret
is to smell bad from the start. In fact, the real secret is to smell bad days
before the event. Ever open a bottle of multivitamins? Remember how bad it
smelled? It's the B-1 vitamin that gives off that smell. Ever hear of
"Mosquito Tabs?" The camping and hunting stores sell them. If you start taking
them days before going out into the wilderness, the mosquitoes aren't supposed
to bother you. Know what's in these expensive "Mosquito Tabs"? It's just the
B-1 vitamin that costs three to four times more than at the health food store
because it is in a different bottle.
You need to overdose on B-1 to saturate your body with it. When this happens
your pores exude the B-1 smell and our favorites arthropods veer away to the
guy or gal next in line. (Don't worry, people's noses aren't that fine-tuned
and your relationship with your significant other won't be affected.) Now I
said "overdose," but that's not possible because B-1 is a water-soluble
vitamin. You can't achieve a toxic level because your body passes any excess
out in urine after it reaches the saturation level. Only vitamin A and vitamin
K are fat soluble. Too much of these (A and K) can be dangerous. (One piece of
advice I remember is to never eat a polar bear's liver. It's so high in
vitamin A that you can die almost immediately. This is why my unit in Florida
never serves polar bear liver during a reenactment.)
My advice is to take your vitamins. Take plenty of B-1 in a good multivitamin.
The books I have state that B vitamins are synergistic, that is they are more
potent when taken together then when taken separately. They also recommend
taking equal amounts of B-1, B-2, and B-6. Also eat well. You don't have to be
Mr. Science to know that Big Macs, Diet Pepsi and Twinkies are not high in B-1
or even any other vitamins. Good sources of B-1 include dried yeast, rice
husks, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, pork, most vegetables, bran and milk.
When I looked this up (by request of another reenactor) I was astounded. I eat
all this stuff in quantity. Every morning I have brewer's yeast and organic
peanut butter as part of my breakfast. I'm hypoglycemic and need a sugar-free,
high protein breakfast to start me off in the morning. On days I don't eat
peanut butter, I often have oatmeal. I love steamed rice and pork, and often
have them together and independently. I eat plenty of the other stuff also.
Therefore I must smell bad! (To the arthropods anyway.)
B-1 is also called the "morale" vitamin due to its beneficial effects on the
nervous system and mental attitude. This beneficial effect has a secondary
benefit in that it could help us in our dealings with farbs, and reenactors
who won't galvanize. Don't try and save money by buying cheap vitamins at the
supermarket. Their quality varies considerably. However, you also don't have
to pay top price at the local health food store. I get excellent top-brand
name vitamins at discount prices from The Vitamin Shoppe in New York. Call
(800) 223-1216 for a catalog.
And here is some more good advice. Don't pass this information on to anyone else. If
all reenactors starting taking B-1 and eating these foods, we'd lose our
secret protection. The arthropods, driven by starvation and lack of
non-bad-smelling hosts, will hold their pheromone sensory preceptors ("noses" to
non-entomologists) and attack us.
And finally, my last piece of advice. The imported red, Solenopis invicta, and imported black, Solenopis richteri, fire
ants weren't introduced to the United States until the early part of the 20th century. Therefore, if during a reenactment
or a living history you find yourself standing or lying in a fire ant bed, don't be a farb! Be a truely authentic reenactor and
ignore them. Remember, the ants weren't here during the Civil War and therefore you must pretend not to notice that they are stinging the hell out of you!