"The Ballad of the Red Berets"



There is something about Sgt. Barry Sadler’s 1966 hit “The Ballad of the Green Berets” that continues to inspire. In 1990 Mal Stylo wrote lyrics of his own which I incorporated in a Macey N. Gimbels and his Pard piece. Now, twelve years later, the Muse has touched another. - Jonah


I have composed a song that I'd like to share with you. First the background information.  I purchased a red wool tam-o-shanter at a local Rev War event to use as a camp hat/sleeping cap at Civil War events.  I noticed how much it looked like a beret, so I started to make up a song about the "Red Beret's" (i.e. Civil War Reenactors.)  Of course it's set to the tune of "The Ballad of the Green Berets."  - Pvt. Adam Clark, 31st Indiana Reg. Co. "E"


"The Ballad of the Red Berets"


Fantasy soldiers are these guys

drunken men who are swatting flies

re-creating ancient frays

their the portly men, in the Red Berets


Neo-Rebs we say we fear

coming yon, to drink our beer

and they our volleys do not faze

we're taking hits in the Red Berets



Fantasy soldiers are these guys

drunken men who are swatting flies

re-creating ancient frays

their the portly men, in the Red Berets


Battilion drill in the stiffeling heat

by file into line, and then repeat

for the Colonel, shout three "Hoo-rays!"

we're passing out in the Red Berets




Drinking water from a hose

where it's been, no body knows

fresh and clean, we hope and pray

then we sneak a coke, in the Red Berets.




High school girls in period dress

19th century looks the best

unfortunatly the law we must obey

look but don't touch in the Red Berets.




Oh this hobby, we love it so

Though we bitch, grumble and moan

on the weekends, we whisk away

to the next event as the Red Berets

