Geological stresses and strains... and rugby

The neat thing about word-of-mouth fame is that I no longer need to go out looking for weird rugby stuff for this site. People now send it to me. Here's an example:

Hey Wes,

Here's something you may want to put on the RRR. Believe it or not, I found this in one of my old geology textbooks - this serves as evidence that I am not the only geologist in the country who plays rugby.

Enjoy and keep up the good work!
Casey Giordano

This is from Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions by George H. Davis and Stephen J. Reynolds. It's found in a section called "The Magic of Strain", in a discussion of stress/strain relationships.

"When one of my students, Chuck Kiven, sprained his ankle badly playing rugby, he did not have the presence of mind to draw a circle on his ankle immediately, to monitor dilation and distortion during swelling; but he had the wisdom at peak swelling to draw a circle on the dilated, distorted ankle region and thus was able to monitor the change from circle to reciprocal ellipse as the swelling went down. In this way he recovered the data he needed to do the calculation."