Just so we’re clear, this piece is an example of sarcasm. Don’t do this stuff. - Wes
Author unknown – found on the Internet
1. Don’t attend meetings, but if you do, arrive late.
2. Be sure to leave before the meeting is finished.
3. Never have anything to say at meetings. Wait until you leave.
4. When at meetings, vote to do everything. Then go home and do
5. The next day after the meeting, find fault with the officers.
6. Take no part in the organization's affairs.
7. Be sure to sit in the back row so that you can talk it over with
your neighbor.
8. Get all the organization can give you, but don't give the
organization anything.
9. Never invite a prospective new member.
10. Talk cooperation, but never cooperate.
11. At every opportunity threaten to resign, and try to get others to
12. If asked to help, always say you don't have time.
13. Never read anything that pertains to the organization. You may
become too enlightened.
14. Never accept an office. It's easier to criticize than to act.
15. If appointed to a committee, never give any time or service.
16. Don't do any more than you have to, and when others willingly and
unselfishly use their abilities to help the cause along, gripe because the organization
is run by a clique.
17. Always take sides in misunderstandings between members, and be for
the one with whom you talked last.
18. While presiding at meetings, express your own opinion before
presenting the club business to the members for a vote.
19. Repeat all the unpleasant things about your club to everyone.
20. Always criticize your leader whenever the opportunity arises.