From Henry V – The Scourge of God by Desmond Seward:


The Parisians quickly had good cause to curse the heir and regent (Henry V). Medieval currency was based on bimetallism and on a bewilderingly complex structure of monies of account - the pound sterling, the pound Scots, the pound toumois, the pound bordelais and the pound parisis, the exchange rate between them fluctuating from place to place.


Throughout the century the amount of gold and silver avail­able for coinage diminished steadily, with an accompanying rise in the value of both metals. There was a constant temptation for governments to lower the weight of coins, altering exchange rates to their own advantage. Almost as soon as Henry secured control of Paris the rate was altered to the detriment of the pound parisis, producing soaring inflation; within a week of his arrival there food prices more than doubled. The effect of endemic warfare on an agricultural economy always on a knife-edge - so finely balanced that Paris's entire food supply could be endangered by a heat wave or a cold snap, let alone an influx of refugees - had already been disastrous. Soon corn, flour and bread were beyond the purchasing power of the poor.


It is from the Bourgeois of Paris that we know that Parisians blamed the rise in food prices on the new exchange rates at Rouen. His journal has been described as a chronicle of nourishment - or, rather, of under-nourishment. By Christmas, Paris was in the grip of full-scale famine. Everywhere one heard little children crying, “I'm dying of hunger.”


Boys and girls, in bands of twenty or thirty, rooted for scraps on the city's rubbish tips as they died from starvation and cold. Those who pitied them had nothing to give. There was no corn, no wood and no coal, and it was the coldest winter for forty years. People ate pigswill and cabbage roots, even the tripes from dead dogs. Thousands died, and wolves swam the Seine to eat the unburied corpses lying in the street.


(“Tripe” is a type of edible offal from the stomachs of various domestic animals)