From "Antietam: The Soldiers' Battle" by John Michael Priest:


His guns deployed, John Pelham ordered the infantrymen to fan out and commence fir­ing into the retreating 19th Massachusetts and 1st Minnesota, which were retiring from the West Wood onto the farm.


In the process, the Confederates rousted out the Yankees in and around the Nicodemus farm. When a charge of canister burst in the road south of the farm house, it sent the snipers from the 19th Massachusetts scurrying for safer ground. Another charge exploded over the main body of the regiment, shattering Captain George W. Bachelder's leg (C Co.). Private James Heath (C. Co.) dragged his beloved cap­tain through the plowed field to the safety of a wheat stack near the barn.


Colonel Hinks (19th MA) also went down with an abdominal wound and a fractured right arm. Lieutenant Colonel Albert F. Devereaux took over the regiment despite the loss of his favorite horse and a bullet wound in his arm.


A minie ball smashed half of John Barry’s (C Co.) upper jaw, carrying away part of his nose. Lieutenant Albert Thorndike (H Co.) left the field with a gut wound which would plague him for years. The ball, which entered one vest pocket, was spliced in half by Thorndike's watch chain. One half of the bullet exited through the other vest pocket. (Years later, he voided the other half and his watch chain.)