1999 Edition


I was on the front page of the 2/2/99 (Julie's 12th birthday) Washington Times! (Click here.) They used an old photograph from 1992 in conjunction with a story about Massachusetts gun-grabbers passing a law that effectively ends reenactments in the state, right in time for the 225th anniversary of Lexington and Concord event. The utter cluelessness of the anti-gun crowd is revealed in a quote at the end of the article: "The proposed amendment would exclude weapons manufactured before 1899, so that both Revolutionary War and Civil War weapons would be exempt." As if reenactors use original 100+ year-old weapons. (We use safer and cheaper modern reproductions of antique firearms.) By the way, this is the fourth time I've had my picture in the Times.

A photo of Julie in her room. She seems to grow prettier every time I get the camera out of the hall closet. Cari made the drapes and the cushion for that bay window. On cold, sunny days it's the warmest spot in the house.
Julie and Meredith in Julie's room.
Ethan and HJ in the kitchen
The Beehives decorated Julie's room!
Julie turns 12
The kids play a little 52 card pickup
Meredith turns 9
Ethan the lacrosse player
Ethan and his friend Jared Orton, lacrosse players at Lee High
Me and "Chef Enoch"
Nearly golf ball-sized hail, in April
Cari's gimlet-eyed stare

5/20/99: I just got a new Kodak D-260 digital camera at work. Of course I had to bring it home to test it out...

Cari reading
Julie and Meredith on a wagon
Ethan awakens

The girls came home with possibly the best school photos ever!


Oh, and this bit of notoriety: I got my picture in the May 1999 issue of the PTO Pulse, an in-house Patent and Trademark Office magazine. I provided networking expertise (!) to enable patent images to be available to users on the world wide web. (Don't believe me? You can click here to get to the Patent and Trademark Office's main web site. Then click the "Patents" button and go from there. Don't complain to me if it doesn't work well; that will be somebody else's fault!)

Click here for the first page, here for the second, or, if you want to get to the heart of the matter, click here to see yours truly. Yes, I am standing on the back row with another guy about my size named "Wes," who may be becoming my boss' boss by the end of the year.

Memorial Day weekend, and the neighborhood pool opens for business:

Julie and her friend Jenny, eating packaged sugar
Meredith and her friend Catherine
Meredith has a bit too much sun and water
Julie doesn't want to pose

My office

Crystal Park Two, Arlington (Crystal City), Virginia
Another shot of the building
My desk, site of a thousand indecisions
The view out my window, looking down
The view out my window, looking sideways
One shot of my office
Another shot of my office (Note rugby posters and autographed Star Trek photographs)
Some pictures in my office Mom made the Marine Corps counted cross stitch one.

Julie's rafting trip with the church young women organization.

Ethan got a summer job working as a lifeguard at the Hunt Valley and Fox Run pools. Here is a shot of his first day at work!

I know it's nearly ten years old, but I found this just recently. The World's Cutest Passport. Meredith needed it to go to Berlin, Germany with Cari to meet me when I was working there for a month. The German customs officer smiled when he saw it.

Summer Vacation 1999

It was great! We drove first to Niagara Falls and saw the sights from the Canadian side. The next day found us at Mormon sites in Palmyra, NY, and then next day we visited Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan. Three days and 1,276 miles by minivan. Whew!

A visit to Luray Caverns with Grandpa
A couple of flowery girls
Niagara Falls
Palmyra, NY
The must-see statue in New York harbor
Miss Liberty's face
Above it all

Cari's living room drapes. She sewed these herself. She says she never wants to do another set ever again.

Meredith brought home another great school picture. Click here to see it.
Julie brought a nice school photo home, too. Click here.

Our living room at Christmas: image #1 - image #2. Now all we need is an image of snow falling in the windows, Bing at the piano and his pipe to hit the ornaments. (I am, of course, referring to "Holiday Inn.")

Family films

Click here for my list of which family-friendly films to rent and which to avoid. Many years in the making and updated frequently!


My rugby third season journal is here. How I got into this sport is explained in the first season journal, here. And, of course, my rugby web site can be accessed from the top of the page or from here.

By the way, I play with the Western Suburbs Rugby Football Club based in Merrifield, Virginia. I now maintain the web site; my goal is to make it the most informative and entertaining page in U.S. club rugby.

My thirty seconds of Championship Rugby fame.

I make the media again! A mention of my Rugby Reader's Review web site is in the 11/1/99 issue of Sports Illustrated! Cool! (Click here.)

Clark genealogy

Click here to see scans of old family photos. For extended Clark family members only, I would think.


Got the 1999 Breitling catalog in the mail. Now I'm back to wanting that Colt Chrono Automatic again. It's a good thing I can't afford any of these, I suppose. I can't seem to make up my mind.

The great news watch-wise is that my father-in-law generously gave me the Longines dress auto he received as a Christmas present in 1957, just after Cari was born. I had the movement cleaned and restored and the dial refinished. I also put a new crystal and a nice lizardskin strap on it; it's my first quality Swiss mechanical watch. Click here to see it. Dad also gave me two other 1940's-vintage watches. One of them, a "Fidia," I'm also going to have cleaned and restored later this year.

Here's my 1935 Hamilton Secron (in a style known as a "doctor's watch" because of the big seconds hand, intended to help in the taking of pulses). Ever since I was a kid looking at the ads in 1940's magazines I've always wanted a Hamilton. This one used to be Cari's aunt's.

Epitaph for a Mouse

Z.Z. Castro