This and That - 2005
I continue to take photos with my baby, the Nikon D100. Introduced in February 2002, it is still in production and has caused me to totally rethink photography.
Happy New Year! For recent photos, check out the 2004 link at the bottom of the page.
On 1/14 Meredith appeared in the Lee High School production of "The Ugly Duckling," a one-act play. She played Dulcibella. Wide shot, a surprised look.
On 1/21 the drama group went to Radford University for the Virginia Thespian Conference - I was a chaparone. Meredith and the rest of the Duckling cast performed the work on campus. A memorable experience for reasons I won't go into here!
Julie's blue chair photos. The webpage that was eighteen years in the making!
Easter 2005 - we had the missionaries over for dinner.
The Ice Cream Socialists - Julie's band. Not just the only female drummer at the Blizzard Blast, but the only one with a pink drumset.
Lee High School Drama did a production of the Wiz, and both Julie and Meredith were in it: Photo One, Photo Two, Photo Three, Photo Four.
Julie's Young Women recognition - It's a church award something like Boy Scouts Eagle, except adapted to the Young Women's program of our church. I'm very proud of her! From left to right: Nichol Whiting (YW advisor), Kaarin Englemann (YW president), Julie and Bishop Best.
Julie's Senior Prom! Photo One. Photo Two. Photo Three.
A visit from Alene and Grady: Photo One. Photo Two.
Meredith goes to the Cappies: Photo One. Photo Two. Photo Three. (Note: The Cappies are a sort of Oscar award for high school theater arts.)
Julie graduates from high school! Photo one, photo two.
Back from a vacation in L.A. Disneyland, Del Casher.
The Clark Family, September 2005. I picked Julie up from college in Richmond the weekend Ethan returned from his mission. Naturally, I took a family photo. Compare with the one I took just before he left, two years ago.
Ethan: Nikon and Nixon. A self-portrait closeup. Ethan renews his friendship with Mister Hammock.
Meredith went to Homecoming at Lee High.
They're not taking my attempt at getting a kid's photo very seriously. They finally calmed down, though.10/23/05.
Meredith as Miss Wilhelmina - Lee High School play, 11/11/05.
Clarks in Corolla, NC - 11/24/05.
Christmas 2005 - We had Mom and Dad Bilyeu with us this year, so we got a good family photo.
Various captioned non-family photos
"Brigham's Blog"
The nearest thing I have to a blog is the "What's New?" page on my rugby club's website. It's here. "Brigham?" It's what the rugby guys call me.
Ethan's Mission
Ethan returned from his successful mission in the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission on 15 September (see photos above) - and it's great to have him back! A good friend once described his son's return from a mission: "He's the same, only better." That's Ethan. He heads back to BYU-Idaho in January to continue college.
Some photos: Elder Clark preaching to the 'Burbs, Elder Clark and his Mother, Elder Clark and his Grandparents, A Clean Elder, A Voice in the Wilderness, A mean trick.
Elder Clark's companions were Elders Maybee, Sebourn, Woolf, Hill, Kerr, Heinzen, Davison, Dean, Brooks, Lazenby, Tidwell, Harker, Moxley, Stannix, Cook, Paterson, Mihaljevich and Smallwood.
Ethan's myspace page is here. (Note for those of you 45 and over: "myspace" is a personal site/blog area where nothing is capitalized and grammar is exceedingly iffy. Oh, and turn down your speakers. Myspace is, however, hip - for now.)
Family films
Click here for my list of which family-friendly films to rent and which to avoid. Many years in the making... I don't update this much anymore. I leave it here primarily to assist parents to avoid that fidgety feeling with recent entertainment.
Clark genealogy
Click here to see scans of old family photos. For extended Clark family members only, I would think.
Click here to pull up my rootsweb genealogical page - once again, more of interest to relatives. I've been doing a lot of genealogy lately. (In fact, in the last six months I have done more than in the previous twenty years!) My rootsweb worldconnect searchable database is here.
My famous relatives. I have no doubt that there are more, but they are as yet undiscovered.
et cetera
I found a neat quote from a recent viewing of "In Search of Shakespeare," a Michael Wood TV series. It's from Ovid (Amores, I, XV, 35-6), used by the Bard as a preface to his Venus and Adonis. It's somewhat pompous, but it describes me a little: "Let base conceited wits admire vile things; fair Apollo, lead me to the Muses' springs."
Much more down to the ground is this one, which has been in my head this year: "What'er thou art, Act well thy part."
Dilbert: Career Day
Past years
Click here for family-related stuff from 2004
Click here for family-related stuff from 2003
Click here for family-related stuff from 2002
Click here for family-related stuff from 2001
Click here for family-related stuff from 2000
Click here for family-related stuff from 1999
Click here for family-related stuff from 1998
Click here for family-related stuff from 1997