Wes Clark’s

This and That - 2012

(a family page)


You can e-mail me at



All of my web sites can be found at wesclark.com






Look there for latest photos; I'm pretty good about uploading material to it.



"Brigham's Blog"

Daily life. "Brigham" is my rugby nickname.



Yeah, I'm there as well.


My Youtube Channel

Playlists: Grandson Gibby, Family videos, Civil War videos, Burbank videos, etc. videos.

Something for which I occasionally provide content.



Family films

Click here for my list of which family-friendly films to rent and which to avoid.


Clark genealogy

*     Click here to see scans of old family photos. For extended Clark family members only, I would think. Click here to pull up my rootsweb genealogical page - once again, more of interest to relatives. My rootsweb worldconnect searchable database is here

*     My famous relatives. More famous relatives, according to relativefinder.org.



et cetera

My Retirement Calculator
