Imagination and Fancy
interesting quote from the article “Blockbuster Banality” by James Bowman
(discussing the third X-Men movie) in the July/August 2006 American
Spectator. The passage in question begins by referring to Superman and the
Summer 2006 revival movie about him:
importantly, you are an insult to the imaginations of our children - as
witness the still-stunted imaginations of the millions of adults who avidly
watch such rubbish too - and a threat to truth, justice, and the American way.
Some of us, at least, are sick of superheroes, and we're beginning to suspect
that so long as we have them, we won't have the regular heroes that we need so
badly. Stop me if you've heard this before, but it is helpful in understanding
the real iniquity of the superhero if we remember Coleridge's distinction,
learned from Kant, between the imagination and the fancy. The imagination is
the essential human faculty, the means by which we take the chaos of individual
bits of information about the world we live in and turn it into understanding.
The fancy - that we call fantasy - perverts and weakens the imagination by
using it idly to conjure up alternative worlds. To feed the imagination with
images of the real world is to nourish and nurture it, but fantasy - especially
fantastical superheroes - is the fatty, sugary snack that kills the appetite
for better things and finally poisons us. Reality is the cure for this
debilitating condition, and those of us who are parents should not be
pro-choice about administering it.”