A Few Words About Perren’s Deli


25 June 2008


Dear Mr. Clark:


My name is Steve Perren.  I was recently told of your lovely website.


On it I saw my mother and father's delicatessen, "Perren's" beautifully shown in your photos of the building of the Golden Mall.  (Click here and scroll about 2/3rds of the way down.)


My beloved father passed away in 1998 followed shortly thereafter by my dear mother. 


My brother David and I annually go to Sinai Memorial Park where our parents are at rest - assuming that my mother isn't still telling may father what to do.  Their gravesites overlook fabled "Beautiful Downtown Burbank."   Indeed, it was and remains beautiful for us to this day.


The Holiday Inn towers key us to where the deli once was.  Several times over the years I've visited 123 So. San Fernando (aka Golden Mall).  The building is long gone but the memories remain.


There is an office where once was Perren's.  An office desk rests on the spot where my mother would smoke her cigarillos as she waited on trade from behind the delicatessen counter.  The family ran the business from 1953 to 1976.  Dad sold it though the name remained the same.  When the building was demolished the business was moved to its present location but retained our name.  Over the last few years it has been "Ben's."


If you look up at the plastic sign announcing the current owner you can see the shadowy imprint of Perren's still present but, like the memory itself, fading from view.  I've eaten at Ben's.  The bowls, the glasses and other amenities are from the original.  Ben was very gracious when I visited and indulged my reminiscences. 



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