Descriptive View of Harper's Ferry from Maryland Heights
Pickett's Charge at the 1988 Gettysburg reenactment
Federal march down Pennsylvania Avenue, 1990
General Byrd, C.S.A.
U.S. Grant by N.C. Wyeth, 1922, black and white
U.S. Grant by N.C. Wyeth, 1922, color
William T. Sherman by N.C. Wyeth, 1922
1942 letter art by John Severin
1951 Reenacting
Grant playing card, Lee playing card and Sherman playing card
Unknown cyclorama detail (the soldiers look like reenactors - a bit too mature)
Burial party on the Miller Farm at Antietam, 1862, Library of Congress. Detail: Mister Casual.
Not So Serious
Neighborhood watch
Whistling Dixie
Abe's Last Snapchat
Ford's Theatre tee shirt
My Three Sons
Water lawsuit
Reenactment gear
The Importance of Hand Sanitizer
Simmons' bugle
Reenacting Candle
Text Farbs
Robert E. Lee or Jack Sparrow?
Charles "Bugeyed" Bingham at Bunker Hill.
Bloodshed at Antietam.
"They ain't even mad at each other!"
"If they would have had them..."
Oh, those wimmen!
2020 tee shirt
New Awards for Reenactors
Grant and Lee and Grant and Lee 2.
Vicksburg Reb shirt.
The Gearhuman Yank Hoodie and The Gearhuman General Lee Hoodie.
The Union Gap
Sherman at Shiloh
Whoops! From "Glory" (1989)
Reenacting the Global War on Terror
Suspicious Yank
Loading a (17th C.) musket
You Know You're a Reenactor When...
Civil War doctor
Florida's last Civil War veteran Bill Lundy poses with a jet fighter, 1955
Soldiers water only!
Rickyyyyyyyy 2
U.S. Grant's head on Saturn Girl's body
Assault muskets
Jonah's Image Collection
The Farbs
The Reenactor's Porn (not really porn)
Blue and gray zombie costumes
Wierd Victorian Guy
1958 Avalon Hill Gettysburg billboard
The Lee Rifle Sword
Doom, study and repeat
True Men (Oct 1960)
True Men (1959)
True Men
Farb's Liquors (Galveston, TX)
Kid's Civil War Display
Computer Grant
Reb Vets Return to School (Facebook ad)
Warning to all skinheads wearing Confederate flag-themed wife-beaters: Beware of Zwanna
An 1862 Stryker unit
The wine you drink after your first reenactment
Civil War Buff Grant
Cool stuff from the 1962 Sears Christmas catalog: Guns, Cannon, Metal soldier casting set, Tents, Uniforms, Playset
Rock band
The Dukes of Fallujah
Oval sticker
Uniform coat of the Sweet Home Alabama Regiment. While Zant might not like Neil Young ("Southern Man don't need him around"), you have to admit that Young is a whole lot less farby.
Flight Deck cartoon (Photoshoppped by a friend)
The Iraq "Civil War"
Reb McCartney
Neil "the Farb" Young
Gay reb shirt and Reb forage cap
Mechanized Reb
The Gotcha Plaque
R. Lee Ermey and the CW cannon.
Which look scarier?
Shiite reenacting
Marker commemorating... what, exactly?
They Won't Take Hits
Let Us Have Cash!
The PC flag
Uniforms crock!
The Stone Farb
My bagged head
Lee the Farb
The Civil War/Revy War he/she
Betsy Dupont says...
Worse than pigeons
Bloodbath McGrath
The Three Farbs
Phil Harris: The South Shall Rise Again
It's War Again
Jesus the Rebel
Farbie Barbie
A toy from the Sixties: Marx Civil War play set
A toy from the Sixties: Remco's Johnny Reb cannon
A toy from the Sixties: Transogram's Gray Ghost game
A toy from the Sixties: Custer, Johnny Yuma and Lee action figures
Nick Adams is Johnny "The Rebel" Yuma
Civil War Gays
Virginia is for Lovers and Warriors
Georges Wallace & Gorman & the 2nd NC at 100th Gettysburg
Georges Wallace & Gorman
Draw this Reb!
Gettysburg - Musical Drama of the Civil War
Merry Christmas from the CCG
Stonewall Jackson prefers Coca-Cola
Little farby Danish Civil War guy
Uncle Joe Stalin
Jonah in D.C.
Sometimes living history ain't pretty!
The 14th Brooklyn - a swell regiment!
It's a buzzard! It's an observation balloon! It's CAPTAIN CONFEDERACY!
Elvis: A Confederate Vision
Primary source material for Confederate studies
Why bother with a uniform when you can wear a "wooliform?"
The Goddess of Liberty!
Look, Ma, no head!
What Price Authenticity?
Reenacting Mayhem International Product Catalog
Hang 'Em High!
Reb Spade, Private Eye
Angry reenactors
A Window into the Past!
The Camp Chase Gazette Gang
"Dirty" Mike Shurig and pard
Cartoon: "The Re-Enactor"
Is this the view from your tent?
What's the story, Wishbone?
1935 (!) New Yorker Gettysburg cartoon
My Internet pard Chris Besenty has called my attention to one Lt. George Derby, a topographical engineer who served with the US Army in California in the 1850's. A real wit and a kindred spirit. A neat little article by same - writing as Professor John Phoenix - is here. He also wrote under the pen name "Squibob." One of his pieces dealt with improvements to the uniforms of the time, and two images are available. "Proposed alteration to new uniform" and "A Wardrobe." These reportedly got him into trouble with the brass - go figure. Looks like Harry Dierken's "Inventions That Never Made It."