Rugby and Rugby School - Let's begin at the beginning. We'll start with encyclopedia definitions.
Refutations! - But wait! Perhaps the encyclopedia isn't correct after all!
Entry for "football" from 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica - Note that William Webb Ellis isn't even mentioned in this.
A rugby pitch - Complete with lines and everything.
The Origins of Rugby - You mean that William Webb Ellis story never took place?
Did He or Didn't He? - Peter Shortell's examination of William Webb Ellis, the Old Rugbeans and... well.. rugby.
The Original 1871 Rugby Laws - Another great link by Peter Shortell.
More About That William Webb Ellis Story
An unhistorical survey of rugby - by A.A. Thomson, from a time long past.
What if William Webb Ellis was tackled? - A what-if? by Alison Brooks.
Welcome to Rugby, Tennessee - Founded by a famous early English rugby player
Welcome to Rugby, North Dakota - I kept seeing e-Bay items (postcards, old photographs, plates, etc.) about Rugby, North Dakota, and wondered why this place was considered notable. (I've never heard of it.) Then I stumbled across this photo; now I know.
Play up! Play up! And play the game! - A stirring little bit of the British Empire as it was, and another comparison between a game and war.
On the Ball - Another neat little vestige of British Imperialism and sentiment...
Five Nations Rugby (Winners since 1882) - More of a list than an article, really, but fun to know.
The Rugby Ball - It wasn't always made out of synthetic materials and marked "Gilbert," you know.
American Football - A short history of how American football came to be. Mentions rugby, of course.'s Rugby in the Olympic Games page - A good site!
Rugby at the 1924 Olympics - Another account.
An American Victory in Paris - And another!
French postcard from the 1924 Olympics rugby match
the Calcutta Cup - A famous old rugby trophy.
Football at Rugby - From an 1870 print. Looks like that little girl's life and limb is being endangered. Note the round ball.
The Rugby Boys at Football (c. 1885) - Note round ball and schoolboy skull and crossbones insignia.
A Life Less Ordinary - Playing rugby in the shadows of the pyramids.
The Rivals - A Welsh brawl.
From Rugby Heaven to Battlefield Hell - A brief look at the generation that perished in World War I.
Actresses Against Models - An epic struggle.
Haka: The Legend Of The All Blacks (a TV program review) - Has some interesting information about the how the new-style haka came to be.
The Early History and formation of the Northern California Rugby Union - Compiled by Dan Hickey, I include this well-written article here because it describes the early days of U.S. rugby and the part Northern Californians played in the 1924 Olympics, when the U.S. won a gold medal in rugby.
An Airman's Letter to his Mother
Silver fern evolution - Personally, I like the 1905 or 1930 version best.
Country by Country List of the Names of the Rugby Player Positions
The History of the Webb Ellis Cup
The rugby "cap" - Since I can't have you be ignorant of basic rugby terminology... - An excellent website from Frederic Humbert of Paris, which shows the game and the players as they were a long time ago. Great stuff!
The Missing Link Between Gridiron and Rugby
Field of Broken Dreams - South African rugby
The Power Play - More South African rugby
1888 Welsh Medal - Apparently the oldest in Welsh rugby
1924 Olympics rugby match footage
"English and American Rugby" by John Corbin, 1901
Sunset Magazine 1906/1907 (look for rugby in table of contents)