Wes Clark’s

This and That - 2008

(a family page)





·        Happy New Year!

·        The Grape (aka the BarneyCar - soon to be delivered to Julie in Utah)

·        Dinner at the Casablanca in Alexandria, where we saw belly dancing.

·        Trip report (with images): Honda Marriage Encounter 2008, Family dinner in Utah, Julie’s Honda, Julie and Tommy, Tommy Machete

·        Me at the Spotsylvania “Bloody Salient”

·        A Week in London! (Scroll down for photo links)

·        Another birthday, another blue chair photo: Meredith. (Her brother and sister Ethan and Julie.) A tradition begun in 1984 thus ends.

·        Meredith played the part of Rizzo in the Lee High School production of “Grease.” (10-12 April) “Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee,”

·        Rizzo and Danny, Rizzo and Kanicki, Pink Ladies, “There are worse things I could do,” Taking the last bow in a Lee musical. She was terrific!

·        My 52nd birthday was 4/27. I went to a Friday afternoon concert at the Kennedy Center and went out to dinner with my wife and daughter.

·        I did the New Market Civil War reenactment.

·        Meredith’s senior prom! Photo one, photo two.

·        Me and the Incredible Hulk.

·        Meredith was nominated for a Cappie award as Best Lead Actress in a Play! (Midsummer Night’s Dream, see 2007 page. Sadly, she didn’t win. She was robbed!) Photo one.  Photo two.

·        Julie and Tommy: Engagement photo.

·        Meredith has graduated from high school! (6/17/08)

·        Did the always cool Evening Parade at the Marine Corps 8th & Eye Barracks. Sgt. Chesty, SSgt Eric.

·        The gang at the “Capitol Fourth” rehearsal, Washington D.C., 7/3. Dinner on the 4th.

·        Julie’s wedding, on 25 July 2008, was a great success! (She shed no tears of disappointment.) Bridal shower at the Best’s house. The beautiful bride. Julie and Tommy. Exiting the Washington D.C. Temple. Outside the Temple. Cutting the cake. (The cake.) At the sign. Bridesmaids. The Five Families.

·        Also, on 7/29 we had some Julie and Tommy photos taken in Washington D.C.: By the Arlington Bridge, Potomac in background, Washington Monument in background, a clinch, Setting sun, By the Jefferson Monument, Jefferson Monument steps, At the Jefferson Monument.

·        August saw us in Utah for Julie’s wedding reception in Lindon, Utah (family dinner at Applebees, cutting the cake, the reception with the Averys) and taking Meredith to UVU. Took a Utah sunset photo from the plane on the way back to D.C., and here’s what clouds look like from 30,000 feet.

·        In September I flew out to Burbank for my high school’s 100th anniversary event – it was great! Photo here, write-up here.

·        Meredith, no stranger to adventuresome photography, took a shot of her toes on some red, St. George, Utah sand in September.

·        My son Simpsonized himself and his wife Sarah.

·        On 10/4 we had a yard sale. Made $110!

·        In October, I once again did the Cedar Creek event, this time with my pards Don Tracey and Chris Olsen. It was Don’s first event in fifteen years! Here we are – the scourge of the Confederacy.

·        When I awaken in the morning I see sunlight streaming through the plastic Venetian blinds, making a pattern on the window sheers. This looks artsy to me, especially when gray-scaled into black and white.

·        While doing some house trim painting I spotted this cute little raccoon on our neighbor’s front lawn. When I approached with the Nikon and the telephoto lens, he fled under their porch after shooting me this fretful look. Now it’s official – I’m getting old. I’m posting cutesy animal photos on a website.

·        Family photo, 21 December 2008 – Meredith is home for the holidays from college!

·        Meredith leaps!

·        Cari baked up a storm during the holidays

·        Christmas present: I got a new Canon point-and-shoot to replace the Nikon Coolpix stolen earlier this year.

·        We went to the D.C. temple to see the lights: Me and Cari, Cari and Meredith, Purple Meredith.



"Brigham's Blog"

It's here. Why "Brigham?" It's what the rugby guys nicknamed me. (The formal title is “Brother Brigham.”)



Family films

Click here for my list of which family-friendly films to rent and which to avoid. Many years in the making... I don't update this much anymore. I leave it here primarily to assist parents to avoid that fidgety feeling with recent entertainment.


Clark genealogy

·        Click here to see scans of old family photos. For extended Clark family members only, I would think. Click here to pull up my rootsweb genealogical page - once again, more of interest to relatives. My rootsweb worldconnect searchable database is here.

·        My famous relatives. I have no doubt that there are more, but they are as yet undiscovered.



et cetera

Crankshaft - Too true.

Stones Train - Redefines the term "sell out." The lamest ad copy I have ever read.

Dining Out With Rock and Connie,” from a Utah newspaper, circa 1983

The Grant Mildenhall controversy (This is all it takes to incite a ruckus in Utah), c. 1983

5 Myths About Those Tinseltown Liberals – This appeared in the Washington Post?!?

My name (“Wesley Clark”) in Arabic – From a guy at work

The Obama File – I have a go with political punditry.
