Wes Clark’s

This and That

(a family page)





Happy New Year! This year we rung out the old and in the new with church friends.

Trip to London, March 2009 – Described and pictured in great detail… Meredith was my traveling companion.


Ethan in Utah on a mountainous field trip of some kind: Cougar, “Your hero.”


Easter with the Five Families


In April Julie visited Virginia for my birthday! Threesome, making jewelry, shopping at Old Navy.


In May, Ethan flew out for a visit! On the sofa, With his mother in the kitchen, Lunch in Alexandria. For the first time ever, he did a Civil War reenactment with me (New Market): Me and the new Federal private, Me, Ethan, Don Tracey and Chris Olsen, Not really understanding that whole “authenticity” requirement. This is great! Meredith in March, Julie in April, Ethan in May and Meredith again in June…


In June, Meredith was in town for a prom (!): Meredith and Mom, “Wonder Woman” bracelets, with her friend Katie Eargle, dinner with the Rooneys.


Ethan got his photo posted on Engadget.com

3 July & 4 July.


Some thunderstorms blew through town and so I took it as an opportunity to put my new tripod into use and get some lightning bolt photos: One, two, three, four, five. I also practiced nighttime photography with a street scene and flashlight. (My ambitious flashlight shot is here.) This is fun! I’ll try again… next time I’ll be better prepared.

My Picasa Photo Album - It's easier to simply post captioned photos here than format them for this page. Let's try that for awhile and see how it works...


August trip to Utah - Visited the kids...

MY PICASA PHOTO ALBUM - More photos (with captions)posted here. Includes Christmas photos and a lot of other stuff. Next year my This and That photography section will simply link to this page.


"Brigham's Blog"

It's here. Why "Brigham?" It's what the rugby guys nicknamed me. (The formal title is “Brother Brigham.”)



Family films

Click here for my list of which family-friendly films to rent and which to avoid. Many years in the making... I don't update this much anymore. I leave it here primarily to assist parents to avoid that fidgety feeling with recent entertainment.


Clark genealogy

v     Click here to see scans of old family photos. For extended Clark family members only, I would think. Click here to pull up my rootsweb genealogical page - once again, more of interest to relatives. My rootsweb worldconnect searchable database is here.


v     My famous relatives. I have no doubt that there are more, but they are as yet undiscovered.



et cetera

And then the fight started…” (domestic humor sent by a friend).

Presidents Day sale at the Guitar Center.

In Praise of Paul – I feel it’s incumbent upon me.

Second Rate Shakespeare – Not every play is a Hamlet!

Totalflanker.com excerpt (about me)

My favorite Bin Laden joke

Threes - My Mom used to claim that celebrities died in groups of three. Apparently, she's not the only one who thought that!

I took a Myers-Briggs test back in 1998; it claimed that I’m an ESTJ type. Here are my recommended career options. I wanted to be a high school history teacher when I was in high school. Later on, when I got out of the Marines, I flirted with the idea of joining the California Highway Patrol. (based on early interests, perhaps.) So perhaps there’s something to it…

Every now and then I see an ad that makes me wonder who thought this was a good idea. Eeeccch.

The 1966 J.C. Penney’s Christmas catalog

From my wife's kitchen calendar for December

Unthinking Robin

Trendy Baby Names - My Utah Baby Namer page got an indirect mention and link from ABC News.
